Whether you’re celebrating or just relaxing after a long day with your pooch by your side, cracking open a non-alcoholic dog brew is a great way to relish your companionship and enhance that human-canine bond.
Here is what you should look for in beer for dogs:
- It is made specifically for dogs
- It has no alcohol
- No added carbonation
- Does not include hops
Here are Dogster’s favorite dog brews and why your dog will slurp them up:
- The original dog beer innovator Bowser Beer is made from human-grade meat and malt barley. Dogs have been imbibing this brew alongside their humans since 2007.
“The malt barley has lots of vitamin B and amino acids that are good for a dog’s coat and we use the same high quality used in human craft beers,” explains Jenny Brown, founder and CEO of 3 Busy Dogs, Inc. the makers of Bowser Beer & Treats for Dogs. “There’s no added salt or fat, and there is never carbonation, alcohol, or hops,” she adds. So, this sociable beverage is in fact a great liquid treat.”
Different meats add different flavors to the line-up. The Mix it up! is a combo of beef, chicken and pork, The Brown Beefy Ale is all beef, and the Porky Pug Porter is pork flavored. Of course, they come in an anthropomorphically designed six-pack and the plastic bottles can be re-capped and refrigerated if your pooch doesn’t knock it all back.
- Because of the whimsical human-animal bond factor, the doggie beer market has expanded and even human brew masters Anheuser-Busch have added pop-open canned beers to the canine shelf selection. Their first batch Dog Brew by Busch launched in 2020 sold out in 24 hours. Brewed from bone broth, it’s a blend of flavors designed to appeal to a dog’s palate, including bone-in pork butt, corn, celery, basil, mint, turmeric, ginger and water.
- Bark Brew Dog Beer can be served in a bowl or poured over dry dog food. Aside from organic ingredients, such chicken, salmon oil and malt extract, there’s added glucosamine, which as been shown to quell inflammation in dogs. It was made by Sir Woofchester’s Canine Hospitality company out of Britain.
What is dog brew and what does it taste like?
The malt and meat give it a smell unlike people beer, but the enticing aroma bouquet and taste is irresistible to dogs. Doggie beer can be served at room temperature, chilled and even frozen in ice cube shapes to be enjoyed on a hot day.
“Depending on the size of the dog, small dogs can comfortably down a couple of ounces,” says Jenny. “A large dog could knock back a bottle or two. But it’s always a good idea to limit the amount, especially if a pooch as a sensitive tummy.”
Can dogs drink human beer?
No, dogs cannot drink human beer. Real beer (and alcoholic beverages) are toxic to pets.
“A few licks aren’t likely to be problematic for any dog,” says Dr. Renee Schmid, senior veterinary toxicologist at the Pet Poison Helpline. “A healthy, 10-pound adult dog would need to consume approximately 3 ounces of standard 4.2% beer before we would get too concerned with alcohol poisoning. Young and old dogs may develop signs at smaller amounts,” she adds.
Signs of alcohol poisoning in dogs:
- Sedation/lethargy
- difficulty walking
- vomiting
- hypothermia (low body temperature),
- decreased respiratory rate
- hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
Signs can be seen within just a few minutes to 1½ hours after ingestion.
Letting a dog drink real beer can be very dangerous.
“If they were to vomit and not be able to protect their airway, they can aspirate, which is life-threatening. Also, many of the signs, may be difficult for pet owners to recognize and if left untreated, can cause long-term damage,” cautions Dr. Schmid.
Make sure your dog drinks responsibly and follow his example!
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